Research Management and Leader
Price (USM) : RM 350, (Local) : RM 450, (International) : USD 200
This module will explore the essential concepts of research management and leadership, tailored specifically to research postgraduate students. Student will learn the valuable insights to effectively ...
0 Students

Multivariable analysis: Multiple Linear Regression using SPSS
Price (USM) : RM 350, (Local) : RM 450, (International) : USD 200
This course aims to introduce the students to the concept of linear regression and demonstrating methods of conducting multipe linear regression analysis using SPSS. Hands-on learning activities are ...
0 Students

Systematic Review
Price (USM) : RM 350, (Local) : RM 450, (International) : USD 200
A systematic review is a research method used to summarize and analyze existing literature on a specific topic. It aims to provide a comprehensive and unbiased synthesis of all relevant studies in ...
0 Students

Price (USM) : RM 350, (Local) : RM 450, (International) : USD 200
This module is split into two parts consisting of lectures and practical sessions covering genomic, proteomic and transcriptomic analysis for bioinformatics data. In this module, the students will be ...
2 Students

Mammalian Cell Culture
Price (USM) : RM 350, (Local) : RM 450, (International) : USD 200
Cell culture technique is crucial to produce a significant proportion of biopharmaceuticals products as well as for diagnostic and therapeutic use. In addition, the use of mammalian cells is expanding ...
0 Students

Stem Cell Technology
Price (USM) : RM 350, (Local) : RM 450, (International) : USD 200
This module covers the biology of stem cells and their biomedical applications, extracellular matrices, chemical approach, and the latest induced pluripotent stem cell development and differentiation. ...
2 Students

Price (USM) : RM 350, (Local) : RM 450, (International) : USD 200
Pathology is a discipline that involves understanding of the various cellular processes that occur in normal and disease conditions. Molecular changes due to certain diseases can be detected by using ...
3 Students

Exercise Physiology
Price (USM) : RM 350, (Local) : RM 450, (International) : USD 200
This module will describe the underlying mechanism of how human body responds to exercise using principles from basic science and applications from exercise science.
1 Students

Exercise Genomics
Price (USM) : RM 350, (Local) : RM 450, (International) : USD 200
This module will describe the fundamental knowledge of genetic and its association with human physical performance.
2 Students

Exercise Physiology in Special Population
Price (USM) : RM 350, (Local) : RM 450, (International) : USD 200
Special populations may have may different physiology which require additional attention and consideration regarding exercise. This course will cover the fundamental knowledge about exercise ...
1 Students

Examination and Records in Orthodontics
Price (USM) : RM 350, (Local) : RM 450, (International) : USD 200
Successful orthodontic treatment begins with the correct diagnosis which involves correct orthodontic examination and appropriate records. This module comprises taught lectures on the routine ...
5 Students

Analytical Toxicology
Price (USM) : RM 350, (Local) : RM 450, (International) : USD 200
The course covers the fundamental aspects of analytical toxicology and its applications, including the entire range of qualitative and quantitative chemical and physical techniques used in sample ...
2 Students

Medical Microbiology - Mycology
Price (USM) : RM 350, (Local) : RM 450, (International) : USD 200
Medical microbiology is a sub discipline of microbiology dealing with the study of microorganisms (parasites, fungi, bacteria, & viruses) capable of infecting and causing diseases in humans, as with ...
1 Students

Advanced Lab Animal Management and Care For Researchers
Price (USM) : RM 350, (Local) : RM 450, (International) : USD 200
This module covers a variety of topics related to animal health, care, and management, such as health hazards related to laboratory animals, husbandry techniques, ethical issues, an overview of ...
1 Students

Computational Skills in Medical Imaging and Radiation Therapy
Price (USM) : RM 350, (Local) : RM 450, (International) : USD 200
This course aims to introduce students to relevant computational methods in the technical and physics aspects of medical imaging and radiation therapy research. It covers the basics of MATLAB for data ...
1 Students